Reconstruction of Paulding Avenue, NY Overview


$39 Million


Reconstruction of Paulding Avenue Area, the Bronx, NY

M&J Engineering provided construction inspection services for a project that included installing water mains and combined sewers and constructing a new full depth roadway with sidewalks, curbs, and pedestrian ramps.

Inspection services covered traffic control; supervision of Maintenance and Protection of Traffic (M&PT); installation of roadway signs and striping for crosswalks, pavement and stop bars; preparation of "as-built" drawings; temporary resurfacing; catch basins; hydrants; traffic lights; and street lighting.

M&J staff responsibilities include:
  • Inspecting the installation of combined sewer lines, catch basins, and off-set water main pipes and valves
  • Inspecting back fill and sub-base preparation
  • Inspecting 60,000 linear feet of curbs and 500,000 square feet of sidewalks
  • Performing various tests, such as slump tests and air pressure tests of concrete
  • Coordinating activities with various agencies, such as NYCDEP, Con Edison, NYCDOT, FDNY and NYPD
  • Inspecting pavement reconstruction with concrete base and asphalt overlay
  • Providing routine checking of concrete curing to prevent cracks
  • Preparing inspectors' daily reports and item quantities for construction cost payments
  • Preparing progress reports
  • Coordinating with the contractor and subcontractors

